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Formation in the Congregation of the Daughters of Divine Love is the conscious assistance and guidance given to the candidate by the Congregation. It is an ongoing process which is the work of the Holy Spirit and the individual candidate. The primary objective of the formation process is to enable the candidates and members in the total giving of self to God, in the living out of the Charism and Spirituality of the Congregation which is totally embedded in the Spirituality and life of Christ, our model.

These are the stages of Formation in our Congregation:


Is the period of serious consideration of dedicating oneself to God in the religious life. The Candidate is brought in touch with the solid understanding of Christian faith and Christian living, which will allow her to make an informed decision for or against embracing the religious life.


The Congregation and the candidate try to discern her vocation. The Candidate is guided towards developing the human, emotional, spiritual and psychological maturity needed for a truly free and responsible decision to enter the novitiate. The candidate and the Congregation appraises her aptitude for membership.


Religious life begins in this stage. The candidate is initiates into the basic meaning and conception of religious life, as well as the Charism and Spirituality of the Congregation. At the end of the Novitiate, the Novice is admitted to temporal profession of Vows (Chastity, Poverty and Obedience).

The period of novitiate last for 2 years


Scholasticate is the full period of temporal profession. The Daughter interiorizes what she imbibed in the Novitiate and the subsequent Workshops, Seminar and Courses offered. Scholasticate is followed up with perpetual profession of the three evangelical counsel.

This period last for six years.


This stage begins after final profession. The Daughter labours unremittingly to develop and grow in the perfection of her spiritual life – life of love, through continuous quest and search of God in periodic lectures, seminars and study weeks directed towards renewal of spirit.